Guo, Y. (2020). Freedom of the Press in China: A Conceptual History, 1831-1949. Amsterdam University Press. (Book reviews appear in journals such as China Quarterly, Media History, International Journal of Communication, and Journal of Global Intellectual History, amongst others.)
Guo, Y. (2023). The Power of Protests. History Today, (2), 18-20.
Guo, Y. (2023). “The TikTok-ification of Chinese Society,” in Michael Filimowicz (ed.) China’s Digital Civilisation, New York: Routledge, pp.17-39.
Guo, Y. (2022). ‘Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears a Crown’ The Campaigns of China’s Movie Queen, 1933–34. Media History. //doi.org/10.1080/13688804.2022.2054409
Guo, Y. (2021). Transnational Journalism History and China Matters. TMG: Journal for Media History, 24(1-2): 1-21. DOI: //doi.org/10.18146/tmg.781
Guo, Y. (2019). Review: Settlers, War, and Empire in the Press. Media History, 25(3), pp. 387-389. DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2019.1627824
Guo, Y. (2019). The Liminal Landscape: The Reception of Western Press Freedom in Late Imperial China. Javnost-The Public: Journal of European Institute for Communication and Culture, 26 (1), pp.17-33. DOI: 10.1080/13183222.2019.1539326
Guo, Y. (2019 [2016]). New China or New America? The American Media Myth of “New China”, 1911-1913. Media History, 25 (1), pp.145-162. DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2016.1229124
Guo, Y. (2015). Conceptualizing “Freedom of the Press” in Chinese Political Cartoons, 1909-1949. International Journal of Comic Art, 17(2), pp. 217-237.
Hampton, M. & Guo, Y. (forthcoming). “The Connected Enterprise: News and Networks in the Age of Empire,” in A Cultural History of Media (Vol.5), edited by M. Hampton, Bloomsbury, page numbers to come.
郭毅(2023). 中国共产党“人民至上”理念与实践的对外传播——以政治营销的视角.《山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2023年第三期.
郭毅、董鸣柯(2023). 国产游戏对外传播中华文化的现状、困境与对策.《出版发行研究》2023年第一期.
郭毅 (2023). “加速现代性”的解药?——慢新闻运动的学理反思与价值重估.《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2023年第一期.
郭毅(2022) . 从阅读组到“大阅读”:美国全民阅读运动的历史考察.《编辑之友》2022年第十一期.
郭毅、董鸣柯(2022). 对外传播中国共产党人民至上理念实践的当代意义与思路创新.《对外传播》2022年第十二期.
郭毅、游斯惟(2022). 国内战略传播研究的现状与问题——基于CiteSpace的知识图谱分析.《对外传播》2022年第六期.
郭毅、游斯惟(2021). 2021年中国对外传播学术热点回顾. 《对外传播》2022年第十二期.
郭毅(2021). 数字化公共外交:实践困境、理论缺陷与伦理风险.《未来传播:浙江传媒学院学报》2021年第五期.
郭毅(2021). “人吃人”:算法社会的文化逻辑及其伦理风险.《中国图书评论》2021年第九期.
郭毅(2021). 跨国传媒史:西方新闻史研究的“跨国转向”.《山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2021年第四期.
郭毅(2021). 建设性新闻的认识误区与学理再反思. 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2021年第三期.
郭毅(2021). 不可避免的冲突?——中美博弈与对外传播中的价值观问题.《对外传播》2021年第六期.
郭毅(2021). 国家形象对外传播中的概念混淆与实践误区.《对外传播》2021年第三期.
郭毅(2020). 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺论《好莱坞往事》[译文]. 《当代电影》2020年第六期.
郭毅(2020). 建设性新闻:概念溯源、学理反思与中西对话.《现代传播》2020年第一期.
郭毅、张奇(2020). 抗战时期在华外国记者回忆录中文出版: 当代意义、现状与问题.《出版发行研究》2020年第八期.
郭毅、孙小兵(2020).飞机安全演示录像与国家形象呈现. 《对外传播》2020年第十一期.
郭毅(2019). 19世纪西方在华传教士眼中的新旧印刷方式——以传教士英文著述为中心.《国际汉学》2019年第三期.
郭毅(2019). 西方中餐烹饪书籍编辑与出版考论(1911-1949).《现代出版》2019年第三期.
郭毅(2019). 超现实主义前奏:重访“假事件”理论.《新闻界》2019年第二期.
郭毅(2018). 传媒·仪式·社会:西方学术语境中的媒介事件理论.《新闻界》2018年第七期.
1. 主持:国家社科基金项目;
2. 主持:教育部人文社会科学研究项目(省部级)“基于新史料的抗战时期西方驻华记者研究”(编号:20YJC860009),已结项;
5. 主持:重庆市哲学社会科学规划项目(省部级)“中国共产党人民至上理念与实践的对外传播研究”(编号:2021YBCS45),已结项;
6. 主持:重庆市哲学社会科学规划项目(省部级)“抗战时期西方驻渝记者助力中国抗战对外宣传研究”(编号:2019YBKZ14),已结项;
邮箱: [email protected]
Yi (James) Guo, PhD (Macquarie University), is an associate professor and Head of International Communication in the School of Journalism and Communication at Chongqing University. With a professional background as a correspondent for the Xinhua News Agency, James joined Chongqing University in 2018. While teaching in China, James maintains connections with Australian academia. He is currently an honorary member affiliated with the Centre for Media History at Macquarie University – Australia’s only research centre dedicated to conducting and fostering research on the history of the media.
James’ research interests focus on media studies, with a particular emphasis on transcultural and transnational issues. He has published more than 60 journal articles or book chapters on this topic. His book entitled Freedom of the Press in China: A Conceptual History (Amsterdam UP) deals with the one-hundred-year historical trajectory of press freedom, a contested journalistic idea, in the Chinese context. Reviews of the book appear in renowned journals such as China Quarterly, Media History, International Journal of Communication, and Journal of Global Intellectual History.
James welcomes Higher Degree Research (MA, MRes, and PhD) applicants in three areas – media history, journalism studies, or cross-cultural communication. Successful applicants are required to demonstrate acceptable English proficiency and excellent communicative skills. The minimum English language requirement is an IELTS overall band score of 6.5, or an equivalent level. Applicants are exempted from this requirement if they have demonstrated English language proficiency through the completion of at least one year of tertiary education at an institution in an English-speaking country.